Water kefir

Kefir is a great source of probiotics. Probiotics are essential to improving the microbiome of your gut which aids in digestion and more importantly, your immune system. 80% of your immune system is in your gut. Sugar and processed foods feed the bad bacteria and yeast in your system. Adding probiotics keeps those in check. Here is a tasty recipe for kefir that you, your kids, and your gut will love.

1/2 cup kefir grains (You can find these online or from a friend that has some. They grow like crazy when conditions are right)

1/3 cup raw sugar (The sugar is essential for the grains to feed on. They consume most of the sugar so there won’t be much left in the final product. And don’t try to substitute the sugar with honey, agave, coconut sugar, or artificial sweeteners. These are not as easy for the kefir grains to feed on and will affect the final product.)

1/4 tsp black strap molasses

2/3 quart of filtered water, or tap water that has been boiled and cooled to remove chlorine

Add all ingredients to a glass jar and cap loosely with a plastic lid or cover with cheesecloth or paper towel and a rubber  band to keep in place. (Metal is not recommended with live cultures)

Let sit at room temperature (70-80 degrees F) for 48 hours. Then strain off the kefir water into another jar. Save grains to use for your next batch. Add fruit or flavoring of choice; just enough to cover bottom of jar. Some of my favorites are pineapple, cherry, strawberry, blueberry, and ginger (use only about 1″ diced). Cap tightly with plastic lid and store in refrigerator for 24 hours. Much longer will cause fermentation and make your kefir more alcoholic.

After 24 hours strain off fruit and discard the fruit. Put kefir into gasket-lidded bottles and store on counter at room temperature for 24-48 hours to make the kefir fizzy. The longer it is on the counter, the fizzier it gets. Then move to refrigerator. Drink when cooled. It can remain in the refrigerator for 1-2 weeks. Mine is usually consumed before then. Start with about 1/2-1 cup per day. When accustomed to the probiotics, you can drink about a bottle or more.